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ж-л Право и Экономика № 11/2022



Статья из тематических разделов:
Гражданское и предпринимательское право
Author: Anna V. Zakharkina


Creating an investment-attractive digital economy in the Russian Federation and ensuring Russia's digital sovereignty are two main strategic tasks on the political agenda. The solution of these problems is unthinkable without the creation of an appropriate digital ecosystem, of which the regulatory platform is a part. That is why, despite the numerous criticism received by the projected norms aimed at digitalizing civil circulation, the domestic legislator stated digital rights, including utility digital rights and digital financial assets, legalized the electronic form of the transaction and the possibility of fulfilling obligations using information technologies (smart contract). The purpose of this scientific article was to solve a scientific problem that is important for the development of Russian civil law - the development of the foundations of the DFA legal regime. The article considers the foundations of the scientific concept of the legal regime; analyzed the legal definition of DFA; an attempt was made to differentiate DFA into law-making and law-certifying. A number of conclusions are drawn: on the possibility of dividing the DFA legal regime into legal sub-regimes of individual functional types of DFA; on the presence at the same time of signs of digital rights and securities at digital shares; on the collective nature of the term "digital financial assets".

Ключевые слова: цифровые финансовые активы, цифровые права, бездокументарные ценные бумаги, объекты гражданских прав, правовой режим, цифровая экономика.
Keywords: digital financial assets, digital rights, book-entry securities, objects of civil rights, legal regime, digital economy.

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