Автор: Куликова Анна Анатольевна
Статья из тематических разделов:
Гражданское и предпринимательское право
Author: Anna A. Kulikova
CRITERIA OF DIFFERENTIATION OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISES ABSTRACT In the article the question of need of existence of two forms of the unitary enterprise is considered. Depending on the type of the real right mediating the relations of the state and municipal ownership the unitary enterprises are divided into types: based on the right of operational management and based on the right of economic maintaining. In article the question of need of the right of economic maintaining, in view of the wide volume of the rights of the enterprise on the relations to public property is crucially considered. An attempt to define criteria of differentiation of a scope and functional mission of the considered limited real rights in the sphere of the public and municipal sector of economy is also made. Following the results of the conducted research conclusions about lack of objective need of existence for legal reality of two types of the unitary enterprises in view of lack of a legislative regulation of intrinsic distinction of the tasks solved by them are formulated. Ключевые слова: унитарное предприятие, государственная собственность, муниципальная собственность, право хозяйственного ведения, право оперативного управления. Keywords: unitary enterprise, state ownership, municipal property, right of economic maintaining, right of operational management. Купить элжурнал со статьёй автора / Купить элкнигу автора Издать книгу в Юстицинформ с размещением тиража в магазинах и интернете |
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